Saturday 29 September 2012

The Misfits (Or Killers. Not quite sure yet.)

Well, it's official now. I'm a member of a Cricket team. And so far, I'm NOT the worst player in the history of the universe. 

However, we've only played one match…

        How I got into it though, was not in any conventional way. At first, I was to be the team statistician/accountant, but the coach pulled me into our first game, and I just went with it.

Anyways, the team and I actually haven't done that much. We're suppose to play every Saturday, but the weather hasn't been ideal cricket weather. Aside from that, I'm not doing that bad. My usual fielding position is Gully. And when I bat, the chances of me hitting the ball is about 31%. Although that's low, I'm still not the worst batter apparently.  

For some weird reason, every time I field, the ball always seems to move away from me. I also have a nickname now, and it's "Leather" (I had no say in choosing it.)
The uniform too, is actually pretty nice. It's a dark yellow jersey and black pants. The jersey is a shade of yellow that's actually pretty cool. I'm not entirely sure what the team name is, at first it was "The Misfits" but then it was "The Killers" I don't think we've officially decided on a name yet. Either that, or the coach was messing with our minds. 

One problem is the fact that the vehicle we use is half a van (Seriously.) It looks like a fat Smart Car. And that has to drive 10 people around the island over and over again. While being stuffed with cricket gear. If it was legal, and if we had several bungee cords, I would've tied myself to the roof. When we all get out of it, it looks like one of those tiny clown cars that has 26 clowns walk out of the boot. It's hilarious, and painful at the same time. And it doesn't help that I'm almost 6ft tall. 

To be honest here, I've never had this much fun in sports before.

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