Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Year of the B(ack)LOG

Its been a year and there has been all manner of good intentions of uploading something before this but alas, such is not the case.  We had a few ideas for what we would upload and as the kids LOVE DRAWING and ART we thought we would try some COMIX and ARTWORK by the kids with a MOVIE or two thrown in... We hope you like...


Hello again, family and friends all over the world!! I hope you're all doing well and've had fun throughout the year 2014!! (Whoo!) 

Yeah! We's cool! Anyway! I'm just gonna give a take on how I think this years gone, and in all truthiness (new word!) I think it went AWESOMELY. I started at my new school (Tereora College) and I was fortunate enough to not only make a heap ton of new friends, but to also get a chance to pounce on the many opportunities the year gave me. (Well, maybe not 'pounce' since we all know I'm too lazy for that, but you get what I mean!) 

One of those opportunities was the chance to go to NZ for debating, so of course there's no way I'd let that slip! And it wasn't just fun and games, but a great learning and hands on experience for speaking and debating in front of public, not to mention finding ways to mind control your audience so they would agree that your argument was best and you deserve to win! (Natch! Jus' kidding! Still….) 


Unfortunately, the year wasn't just constantly amazing. There were the negatives that nobody likes and always get people down, but hey, that's just how life works I guess. And we're fortunate enough to always have people around us that will help us when we're down and out of the count, right? 

Whoo, being so serious is weird, but necessary!! I still consider the year awesome, but if it were put into percentages I'd probably put it at a 98% due to negativity! Once again, I hope all the family is doing well and having an amazing time with whatever they're doing, and if not than I shall find you and give you lots of muffins!! XD 

Loving you all in every crazy yet cuddly way I know,

Morganne. (AKA: MUNKEE!!) 



My horror-movie Blood and Steel was easily one of the funnest things I've ever done.

My media studies project was to make an instructional video, and my response to that was; "#@$&% that, I'm making a full-on horror movie!"

I did make the instructional video like I was suppose to, but that wasn't as fun though.

This movie gave me ideas for another horror short, and all I'll tell you now is that it's called Hands.

Super-Special-Awesome-Epic-Apocalyptic Children's Card Games of Ultimate Destiny
The idea for this came when Te Tuhi was thinking aloud one day; "Why don't we ever play Yugioh during interval?" That idea stuck and so we dug up our old decks and ever since, we've ben playing regular games of Yugioh every interval and break to kill the time. Its gotten to the point that we even add-in dramatic orchestral music to make our duels cooler (or more ridiculous depending on your opinion on card games).

The Christmasnator
For this year's Xmas decorating, everyone else was too lazy to do anything, so it fell to me to save Christmas! Digging up the tree and decorations from the darkest depths of the hell-hole that is the storage room, I battled my way through the foul denizens that lurked in the shadows between boxes such as the DREADED AND LOATHED DUST BUNNIES! I also ran into a couple of giant Wolf Spiders but those weren't too bad. And after I gallantly dug the decorations up, guess who gets to set-up the tree, wrap the lights around it, hang up the garlands, and dig out the extensions cords by himself?


This year was quite busy pour moi, but that's just because I spent most of it at work! Not the most gripping conversation piece for everybody, but I haven't got much other material to go on. If there's one thing that's true, it's that the learning doesn't stop when you leave school. The funny thing is that when I was in Canada, I didn't have much real work experience, because babysitting and/or working for your parents just doesn't count. I guess by the time I was at an age where I was interested in getting a real job, it conflicted with the whole get-ready-to-move timetable. 

One of the first things I learned moving here is that it's much easier to find a job in Raro than it ever would be in Canada. Honestly, I think it's because the bar is set a bit low. I've only been working for three years, but this coming year I'm about to start my seventh job (not counting the babysitting!); I have a habit of working two at a time, or three...
Sometimes I think it's to make up for the lost time. Anyway, I'm sure most of us can agree that the workplace is much more educational than the classroom; for one thing, there's a lot more interesting trivia than what you pick up in school; also, whatever skills you learn on the job you know you can keep with you and apply to "real life"; you discover more colourful characters at work, and on a deeper level, you learn that in spite of what your primary teachers tell you, most of the grown-ups and/or fellows in charge don't have a better idea of what they're doing than you do. 

But if there's one lesson that I should have picked up sooner, it's that no matter how much time you spend at work, your job is just your job-- it isn't your life. Goodness knows that everybody's been trying to get it through my thick head for some time, but I finally get it now. Hard work is the most dependable way to get where you want to go, but if work becomes your top priority, then you should probably stop for a second and think again about where you're going. If you're in a rut and burning out, are you really going forward?


Its been a year of getting "sorted".  I got work with Ledcor up on the Kearl Lake Project.  My big focus this year has been to get employed and do my schooling for my pipe-fitting apprenticeship.  Well, needless to say that happened and it was full steam ahead in the first half of the year.

Got myself booked in for school then hit it hard... It was fun?!?!!? I guess.  I got the result I wanted though... First year of the apprenticeship is behind me now we're looking at year two.  BRING IT ON!!

What else did I do?  Got a good amount of work under my belt before school.  Got a little sick of Edmonton so ended up moving down to Calgary.  I had my tickets booked for Rarotonga long in advance so that was all good!
Being home at the end of the year was the best part of my whole year... after I got there, a month just seemed to slip by too quickly... (sigh)

So, it has been a while since our last update.  A year with Ina being at home.  I rather erroneously thought that with two parents at home, the pace of our life would ease back and be a bit cruisy.  This was a HUGE false assumption. 

I have been busy at MCI.  My fleet is rather an eclectic mix of vessels and this does not look like it’s going to change anytime soon.  I was corresponding with an owner in Norway who has now registered.  There is now a small commercial yacht that does Arctic tours, flying the Cook Island flag.  Another upcoming registration is a whale research vessel that is based in Australia that goes down to Antarctica.  Additions have been 3 off-shore vessels in the Persian Gulf, a commercial yacht in the Antarctic and a cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico as well as off-shore vessels in Singapore.  Amazing!
Earlier in the year, I worked for a few Friday evenings as a bar tender.  Ina was playing with the band at Boogies and as I was going every Friday to listen, the owners asked if I would be interested in working on the bar.  My Scottish ancestry must have kicked in as it made more sense to me to be paid to listen to Ina than paying for a couple of drinks to listen to him.  I dropped in on him with friends a couple of times after he started gigging at the Nautilus.
For extra-curricular activities, I have been involved in a variety of things.  There was a corporate triathalon in February and I joined a team from the Ministry of Education.  I did some of the swimming (200m twice) and had a great time meeting new people.  The business house golf tournament finished in February and started up again in November.  Ina and I also did some golfing on Monday afternoons until his schedule changed.  I participated as a volunteer again this year at Vaka Eiva where they made me “Head of Registration/Race Day paperwork”.  Apparently my Virgo traits of organisation are somewhat valued which is why I was given that role.    
One of my goals has been to do the “Boiler swim” which is part of Vaka Eiva.  I haven’t competed in the “Boiler Swim”, but I have swum out to the Boiler and back several times for training purposes so I feel I’m 85% there.  Finally, I have started teaching piano again.  My only student is a co-worker and it is a lot of fun as she practices and does her homework!

Well, I think I have rambled on enough for this.  Do I still want to live in the Cook Islands? YES.  Do I miss everyone? YES.  Even though my emailing and FB contact are non-existent, I do think of you all often and I am working on a plan for a visit up to Canada.  Ka kite for now!
Connors Tivaevae

It’s been an eventful year, some good times and some bad times… starting with a new job doing something I haven’t done before, challenging to say the least!… lost a couple of good people this year too…but to quote my little munkee!  “hey, that's just how life works I guess!”
Started the year as a Trades Tutor at Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute (C.I.T.T.I.) which involved going back to school and pulling my hair out, a lot… still have most of it though so all good…Going to be busy next year trying to turn out some qualified electricians…
Did the usual gigging thing, played at Boogies Bar for a while, site of the old Banana Court… one of the last remaining old school South Pacific Beach Bars… then ended the year at the Nautilus, the newest resort on Raro…

Tai George, my younger sister and Morgannes Godmother, came over for a visit.  Awesome times as we hadn’t hooked up in a while and although we had our differences in the past, we re-connected like we had when we were kids… We talked a lot about what she was doing and she had a lot of helpful insights for our children.  We parted making plans for our next get-together but sadly, she passed away from a stroke a week after she left the island… 

A month before her visit, my Brotha from another Mutha lost his eldest boy to suicide so all in all not a good start to the year but hey, life must go on…

But they will not be forgotten…

The last half of the year was work, work, work… Tutoring and gigging.  I don’t know if living here in Paradise makes that easier or harder… it certainly isn’t any colder!  All I can say is that this year has been a bit of an eye-opener for me.
I think the biggest thing has been the change in my lifestyle… I’ve spent a lot of years away from family gutting it out in the “Oil Patch”… working for a better life.  I think I’m starting to realize a “better life” is what I’m doing right now… I’ve been home for a year and every morning without fail, my little munkee ask’s me “did you sleep well?” So I say, “Yep… I did”. 
I never heard that in the Oil Patch...

I get to see my wife every night, I get to sit here in my big arm-chair blogging and watching my youngest daughter just hanging out in the lounge… My eldest daughter tells me about her evening at work… we talk, I throw in my 2 bits worth.  She gets grumpy and I just lay back and try to let it roll off me like water off a ducks back… I should be thankful that I am here, now… to be a part of it… and I am.  I worry about my son but that’s what fathers do… I try to give him advice and wonder to myself if what I’m saying is the right thing then realize, at least I’m here to say it!!

2015 will be another year and who knows what it will bring?  All I am thinking is that where I am now is where I should be… so I guess that’s my new year’s resolution.  To be where I should be.

Meri Kiritimeti e te Mataiti Ou

This Christmas, a lot of effort went into making presents instead of buying... here are some "prezzies"... and some random movies from Connors 21st