Sunday 23 September 2012

I help Olympians with their homework

2012, year of the London Summer Olympics! Normally the George family is quite the avid participant in Olympic television spectating-- every TV set would be set on a different Olympic channel, and sporting events were like background music to homework, chores, and suppertime. We were into it! It was some disappointment this year to discover that our TV couldn't get a decent signal, and we had to rely on the newspaper to try to keep up with the scores. It really isn't the same, and from the sounds of things it looks like we really missed out on some mean stuff this year. I was especially miffed at our lack of information, because this year the Olympics had a much more personal connection to the class of 2012 at Tereora.

Team Cook Islands' two sprinters, Patricia Taea and Patrick Tuara (or Patty and Patty), are both senior students at Tereora College. Patrick, in fact, is in my maths class; Patricia is in a few of my classes, and one of the new mates I made when I came to TC last year. We're all immensely proud of our Olympic classmates, and were more than happy to support their campaign in London. Who wouldn't want to be able to say that they were familiar with Olympians? I feel pretty darn special myself, because as said in the title, I can say that I've helped Olympians with their schoolwork.

My time at TC won't be very long, so I feel lucky that I was able to leave some sort of impression there, tiny as it is. The little rep I've established is the one who helps popular or famous people with their schoolwork; my help-list is stacked with student councillors, prefects, and athletes. Patrick even came to me one time asking for help with a maths assessment (maths, of all topics! My worst subject! Wow!), and, on account of sports interfering with school attendance, Patricia needs all the help she can get to catch up with her academics. I do my best :) I told one of my mates that my plan is that when these people are successful and even more famous, they'll remember little Alina George who helped them succeed in school.... hahaha yeah I wish! Still, my mate said that it's great that I can help these fellas, and it certainly makes me feel good. This year isn't looking too bad so far..... if only we could have caught the Olympics!  

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