Saturday 31 December 2016


Hey everyone! 

Hope you’re all doing well in your sections of the world, and that everyone’s Christmas and New Years Holidays were/will be AWESOME! 

Hard to believe it’s already been another year, huh? I honestly can’t believe it, time flies by so quickly (that, or I just daydream WAY too much XDD) 

ANYWHO! Time to start recapping the events I can remember of this year! (Just for you~!)

SOOOoooo, it started off pretty eventful, Tere, Connor and I having visited most of you guys in N.Z when we came over for Maria and Daniel’s wedding (shoutout to all of you guys over there! Love you all lots and lots!) and then kidnap—Imean— bringing Alina will us when we came back to the Cooks for Christmas 2015. Then of course we got the added bonus of having Jacob and Sue over for a bit, (yeah!!) so that was really cool too :D (I’m not sure if this technically counts as the year 2016, but whatever, it was important!). 

The next major event I remember would of course be Alina’s 21st. (Happy extremely belated birthday wishes to Tairi and Madu too~!) So then we got to see our N.Z cuzzies again (YEEAAAH!!) And we had a hella good time together, right?… RIGHT? XD 

That was a lot of fun, and now Alina’s finally a man an adult! 

Umm, school happened, and then the Canadian trip where we got to see our ‘long-lost’ family and friends (another shoutout to you guys as well! Whoo~ Send my love in little airplanes to you guys!) and even celebrate our great-gramma’s centennial birthday! That was so awesome! I still can’t really believe it, but I have the photos to prove it! (Mostly to myself, I would guess XDD).

When we came home, I somehow mustered the responsibility to get a drivers license, so yay~! I also finished school and got a few awards, but the more important bit of getting back was Christmas! And New years, so MERRY HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS OF AWESOME EVERYBODY!! 

Connor and Tere came back from bootcamp (Tere’s arms are actually pretty buff right now, so WHAAAAT~!?) and after the loving excitement of Christmas buzz we’re eagerly waiting for New Years so we can kill greek gods with a spartan that needs anger management spend that time together as a loving family! 

Ok, I think that sums up the year of 2016, at least in my eyes. I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and a year that was equally as good! Happy New Years everybody,and I love you all more than the moon and back! 

Your little weirdo,

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