Tuesday 4 October 2011

School Daze

Heres a few words from the kids

Alina: Our plan for my schooling was all muddled up for a while. I remember a coupla years ago Mum was thinking that I’d go to Tereora, so in grade nine when teachers would ask “which high school are you going to?” and I would say “Tereora”, and then the teacher would say “...where?!” (hee hee) Then I heard from Maria that school in the Cooks ends at age 16 (now how old am I? Hmmm...) Mum was really starting to wonder what I’d do for school now, and Aunty Lena suggested that I try this online homeschooling program that her school offers. So our plan was that I would get homeschooled with an Albertan education and graduate at the same time as my friends. But it turns out that one of the many bloody expensive things here is the internet, which meant that online schooling was suddenly a bad choice. Mum and Dad investigated schools, and found one where you should graduate by age 17, like Canada. And my assessment results showed that if I work hard enough, I might graduate early. So now I’m going to school... at Tereora. ;D

Alina at her new school Tereora College

Morganne:  Fist day at school and I was bombarded by questions. I didn’t exactly care though, but I did have to repeat some answers for the kids. The teachers were impressed with my work, (as were a lot of the kids!) and a whole bunch of kids loved my art. They were also impressed with my speed at running.  That’s it.  Really.  Nothing else. Go have fun.

Kids in their new uniforms
Tere: On my first day of school, it came to rocky end. Mine and Morganne’s bikes fell over during the day. When we got them back up, MY bike was making a weird “donk” noise, and the back brakes weren’t working. Undeterred, we left school., and this “donk” noise was getting on my nerves. So I decided to check this out at a nearby rugby field. And I stopped, with a very bad front flip. Here’s what happened: There was a bar that held up a basket, and when we removed the basket, the bar was still there. So when my bike fell over, the bar was caught on the tire. Then eventually it catches and I flip over the handlebars and the bike falls on me. Fortunately Dad was driving by and he picked up the bike and drove home with one hand steering, the other was holding up the bike. And the one thing that amazed me was that my uniform didn’t get dirty when I crashed. And I only got a small stab on my palm. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I’m out of ideas. Guess that’s it.  

Heading to school
Learning to ride,... getting there!!
Anyways, Nuff said for now


  1. very cool start love da bikes. aunty Maria

  2. Hi Davis, sounds like everyone is having fun and settled in. Look forward to reading more about your adventures. So what are you doing when the kids are at school?
