Wednesday 7 September 2011

Landing in Raro...

Well, here it is, Day 3 in Raro.  We have our Cook Island driver’s licenses, bank accounts sorted, shopped for groceries and looked at a rental house.  We have also been to the beach five times, four of those times have been just across the road from our “holiday” house, Are Tupuna.  I think I must be acclimatizing because I was commenting to Ina on how cold I felt, after getting out of the water and standing in the breeze.  He laughed and said that I’m complaining about the cold while getting a tan.  That didn’t take long.  T

Landed on Mon, now it`s Wed... I could get used to this place!  Still finding our feet and the kids are loving it so far.  New record for me, swimming 3 days in a row... could get used to that too!  I went to get my C.I. drivers licence today.   I needed class A & B (Car & Motorcycle)... never had a motorcycle licence before so expecting to do a practical... clerk says ``have you ridden before`` I say `` Yes, but that was 2 years ago``... ``PASS!!!``.  Oh well, not expecting to fall off.  I 
Nuff said for now


  1. Wow. love to be there with you. kim

  2. I'm glad you've all made it to the Cook's safely and are enjoying the beach and sunshine. Missing you!

    Liz and Family

  3. Love the must be really hard to get use to this.LOL
