The wife/mother in all this is Tania George (nee Davis) and she's fulfilling a childhood dream. (Long story... that'll be another post). Also, she has an Atiuan name, "Temaeu O Te Rangi" given to her by my father so you'll hear me referring to her every now and then by that name.
Our children are Connor, Alina, Teremataiapo & Morganne. They know where they come from in Canada, time to show them their Cook Island heritage...
Anyways, this blog will run a while so don't expect a post every day!... we're aiming for once a week (or there about's) if we're lucky!...
If this is something that might interest you, then follow along!... might be fun.
Heres a pic of Atiu...
and heres a pic of Edmonton
Nuff said, for now...